What Happened To The Knights Templar On Friday The 13th
What Happened To The Knights Templar On Friday The 13th

What Happened To The Knights Templar On Friday The 13th 1307? Did you know that on a single day in 1307, around 600 members of the Knights Templar were arrested? This event happened on Friday, October 13th. It was a turning point in medieval history and became a legend for…

The Foundational Role of Freemasons in American History
The Foundational Role of Freemasons in American History – The Founding Fathers

Did you know 9 out of 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence were Freemasons? This speaks to the foundational role of Freemasons in American history and the masonic influence on building America early on. Secret societies played a big role in U.S. history, but it's often not talked about.…