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How To Join The Knights Templar

Are you fascinated by the mystique and lore of the Knights Templar? This legendary order of medieval knights lived by a code of chivalry and secrecy which continues to captivate many, even today. Stepping into the shoes of those interested in following their historic path, the article “How To join the Knights Templar” is tailored precisely for your curiosity. It explains the process, requirements, and the journey toward becoming a part of this enigmatic tradition, offering an intriguing peek into a realm of nobility and mystery. Brace yourself for this enlightening voyage into the world of the Templars.

Understanding The Knights Templar

Hello! If you’ve always been fascinated with medieval history and the intriguing stories of knights and their quests, you must have heard about the Knights Templar. This group is one of history’s most enduring and fascinating. Before we delve into understanding how you could join the modern Knights Templar, let’s shed light on the group’s background and history.

Formation and History

The Knights Templar — also known as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon — were a Catholic military order founded in 1119. Their history links directly to the Christian Crusades. A French knight named Hugues de Payens established the organization along with his relative, Godfrey de Saint-Omer. Initially, it was regarded as a small monastic brotherhood sworn to poverty and chastity.

Purpose and Role

The primary role of the Knights Templar was to ensure the safety of Christians who made the journey to Jerusalem following its conquest. Initially, they offered protection to these Christian pilgrims from bandits and marauding highwaymen. But as their influence grew, they became involved in broader battlefield conflicts.

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Decline and Disbanding

The Knights Templar order experienced a swift downfall. It all began with their loss of the Holy Land in 1291, which shook the confidence in their power and purpose. The King of France, Philip IV, greatly indebted to the Templars, targeted the order, accusing them of heresy, immorality, and abuses. This led to their disbandment, marking the end of the Templar era.

The Modern Interpretation of The Knights Templar

The Knights Templar may have been officially disbanded centuries ago, but their legacy persists till this very day.

Historical Influence

The Templars had a profound effect on medieval Europe, and their actions during those times have shaped modern institutions in surprising ways. They are considered pioneers of early banking systems and contributed to the development of architectural masterpieces, including castles and cathedrals.

Modern Associations

Post disbandment, the Knights Templar has been linked with numerous organizations, including Freemasonry and other fraternal organizations that bear their name. These associations often adopt symbols and rituals associated with the historical Templars, fostering an air of mystery and intrigue.

Religious Standpoints

In modern times, most Templar organizations are primarily of a religious and fraternal nature. They continue to follow a strict code synonymous with chivalry, while aligning with the principles of Christianity and spiritual practice, similar to their historical counterparts.

How To Join The Knights Templar

Myths and Misconceptions about The Knights Templar

There’s a luring aura of mystery surrounding the Templars, giving rise to several myths and misconceptions.

Conspiracy Theories

From being secret guardians of the Holy Grail to having discovered America before Columbus, the Templars have been linked with numerous conspiracy theories. The Knights have also been associated with the Illuminati and are sometimes said to be protecting secrets of early Christianity.

Popular Culture Influence

Popular culture has played immensely in shaping the image of the Knights Templar. From books like “The Da Vinci Code” to video games like “Assassin’s Creed” and movies, the Templar Knights have been portrayed in a variety of ways, often creating an exaggerated and romanticized narrative of their history.

Role in the Holy Grail Myth

One of the most enduring legends around the Knights Templar is their supposed link to the Holy Grail. While there is no historical evidence to corroborate this, the myth does add to the allure of the Templars.

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The Real Knights Templar Vs. Modern Interpretations

Historical Facts

While modern organizations claim alignment with the Templars’ history, the true essence of the Templars lies in their actual historical facts. They were gallant warriors, pioneering financiers, and dedicated monks who played a significant part in the Crusades and the development of medieval Europe.

Distorted Interpretations

Through the centuries, the legacy of the Templars has been interpreted and reinterpreted. However, not all interpretations have been factual or grounded in historical accuracy, leading to distorted views about their purpose, role, and practices.

Impact on Modern Organizations

Despite the distortions, the influence of the Templars on contemporary organizations is undeniable. Many of these organizations heavily borrow from the Templar’s symbolism and rituals, aiming to perpetuate their legacy.

How To Join The Knights Templar

Steps to Join The Knights Templar Today

You may be wondering; how can I join the Knights Templar in this day and age? While the original order was disbanded, there are modern organizations that carry the Templar name and strive to uphold their legacy.

Basic Requirements

Firstly, most Templar orders require prospective members to be of the Christian faith, given the order’s historic ties to Christianity. You should be an adult and committed to uphold the principles of the order.

Application Process

The application process varies between organizations but usually requires submitting a formal application, going through an interview process, and being approved by a council or a board of the order.

Membership Fees

Being a member of the order can also carry certain financial responsibilities, such as annual dues or fees, to support the order’s activities.

Differentiating Between Genuine and Illicit Organizations

Given the popularity of the Knight Templar, numerous organizations carry their name, and not all of them are legitimate.

Identifying Red Flags

To identify genuine orders, be wary of those promising untold riches or outlandish claims disconnected from Templar history. Authentic Templar orders will emphasize service, community, and spiritual growth.

Researching the Organization’s History

A legitimate order will be open about its history, operations, and practices. Scrutinize their charter, look into their past activities and leadership – this should give you a fair idea about their legitimacy.

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Speaking to Current Members

Interaction with existing members can provide an invaluable insight into the functions of the organization. It helps you determine if the organization upholds the values it claims.

How To Join The Knights Templar

Join The Knights Templar as a Freemason

Freemasonry has a rich history and an intricate network of sub-organizations. It’s one known sect is the Knights Templar.

Understanding Freemasonry

Freemasonry is a centuries-old fraternity that fosters moral and ethical development in its members, philanthropy, and public service. To become a Templar within the Masonic order, you must first be a Freemason.

The Affiliation Between Templars and Freemasons

Freemasonry’s association with the Templars dates back to an era where operative masonry changed to speculative masonry, adopting the Templar history and symbolism. In Freemasonry, the Templars are a high-ranking order, only accessible to Master Masons.

Joining the Masonic Knights Templar

Joining the Masonic Nodes Templar involves a progression through Masonic degrees. After becoming a Master Mason, you go through a series of additional degrees, including a Templar degree, to finally join the Masonic Knights Templar order.

Life Inside a Knights Templar Organization

Once you’re a part of this prestigious group, you can anticipate some unique experiences.

Roles and Responsibilities

Members have roles defined according to the Templar hierarchy. These roles may involve participation in rituals and ceremonies, community service, and organizational duties.

Community Involvement

Knights Templar are typically involved in numerous philanthropic actions. As a member, you’d participate in various community initiatives, playing an active role in helping those in need.

Spiritual Practices

Spirituality forms a key trope of Templar orders. Expect participation in spiritual rituals, prayer meetings, which aim to strengthen your faith and deepen your spiritual understanding.

How To Join The Knights Templar

Persevere Through Challenges

Being part of a Templar order may not always be smooth sailing. But adversity is a part of the journey too.

Dealing with Skepticism

Given the history and the myths, you may often face skepticism or intriguing questions about being a Templar. It’s important that you are comfortable with this, and are armed with authentic information to discern fact from fiction.

Maintaining Commitment

Commitment is cardinal in being a part of a Templar order. It’s not just about attending meetings or paying dues, but about being involved, proactive, and dedicated to the order’s cause.

Navigating the Historically Complex Background

With an entity as antiquated as the Knights Templar, the layers of history can be overwhelming. Take time to read, learn, and understand the intricate background of this order.

Serving as a Modern Knight Templar

As a Modern Knight Templar, you serve as a beacon of its long-standing history, while continuing the traditions that shaped this legendary order.

Adhering to Codes and Conduct

As a Templar, adherence to the codes and conduct of the order should be a priority. Respect, loyalty, and fraternity should guide your actions and interactions.

Engaging in Knightly Duties

Engaging in “knightly” duties, in today’s world, encapsulates service towards your community, fellow members, and church. Your role may involve charity, mentorship, or volunteer work.

Continuing the Traditions and History

The Knights Templar leave a strong legacy. By joining a Templar order, you become a part of this legacy, a torchbearer of this lineage, responsible for carrying forward its traditions and history.

To sum it up, being a part of the Knights Templar can be a unique and fulfilling journey – a blend of history, spirituality, community, and service. Go forth and continue the legacy of these legendary knights.

How To Join The Knights Templar

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